How can I add a new student to my School in Aplu?


Last Update hace 2 años

Follow the given steps to add a new student in your school account on Aplu: 

Step 1: Tap on Student in the dropdown list.

Step 2: Click on Add Student to add a student to the database.

Step 3: Fill in the Academic Details.

Step 4: Upload the photograph of the Student and fill in the Personal Details. Select the gender of the child.

Step 5: Select Yes if the student has a sibling in the institution. Enter all the details of the sibling here.

Step 6: Select No if the student does not have a sibling studying in the same institution.

Step 7: Enter the Student Contact Details.

Step 8: Choose the photograph of the Student’s Father and upload and fill in the respective details.

Step 9: Choose the photograph of the Student’s Mother and upload and fill in the respective details.

Step 10: Choose the photograph of the Student’s Guardian and upload and fill in the respective details.

Step 11: Select Father, Mother, or Guardian to be the primary contact for the student.

Step 12: Enter details of the Previous School, if applicable, and upload the Transfer Certificate Document.

Step 13: Fill in the Health Status section of the student.

Step 14: Enter details in the Self Awareness Section.

Step 15: Click on Click Here if a custom field needs to be added.

Step 16: Tap on the Active button if the student is currently studying in the institution and is active.

Step 17: Click on Save to save the details of the student entered.

Step 18: Click on cancel to discard all the saved settings.

Step 19: On the Student page, tap on the Approval List. Approve or Deny the students here.

Step 20: On the main page, apply Filters to refine the students that are being displayed on the page. 

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