How can I add a Fine to fees?


Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

To add a Fine to fees, follow the given method: 

Step 1: Tap on Fine to add fines that could be applicable.

Step 2: Tap on the Edit icon to edit already existing fines.

Step 3: Click on Create Fine to add a new fine to the system.

Step 4: Select Session, Branch Name, Fee Type, and Student Category.

Step 5: Enter the Fine Name.

Step 6: Choose one or more classes to which the fine will be imposed.

Step 7: Fill in the days in which the fine will be applied.

Step 8: Tap on Add New Slab Here to add slabs to days information.

Step 9: Tap on Save to save the entered data.

Step 10: To discard the entered settings, tap on Cancel.

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