How can I add a Transport Fee depending upon the Stops and Routes?


Last Update há 2 anos

In order to add a Transport Fee depending upon the Stops and Routes, follow the given steps:,

Step 1: Tap on Transport Fee to enter new transport fee settings.

Step 2: Click on the Edit icon to edit the transport fee settings.

Step 3: Click on Add Plan Name to add a new transport fee plan.

Step 4: Enter Plan Name and select Session and Branch.

Step 5: Select Car Transport Fee if the transport medium is by car.

Step 6: Enter the respective details for the fee and select appropriate options.

Step 7: Select Bus Transport Fee if the transport medium is by bus.

Step 8: Enter the respective details for the fee and select appropriate options.

Step 9: Click on Save to save the made changes.

Step 10: Click on Cancel to discard the entered details.

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