How can I create an Examination in Aplu?


Last Update hace 2 años

To create an Examination in Aplu, follow the given steps: 

Step 1: Tap on Examination to add examination settings.

Step 2: Tap on Add New Exam to create the examination.

Step 3: The Create new exam form will open up.

Step 4: Select the Session, Class, and Term.

Step 5: The categories will be listed reflecting weightage assets in the evaluation section.

Step 6: Enter Exam Name and select Exam Type.

Step 7: Enter Marks and Grace Period for Marks Entry.

Step 8: If the entered information needs to be deleted, tap on the Delete icon under action.

Step 9: Tap on Save to save the settings applied.

Step 10: Tap on Cancel to discard all the settings.

Step 11: In the Examination Sitting, the existing settings can also be easily deleted by tapping on the Delete icon.

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